Privacy Policy

Personal Data Collection: Personal Data Collection: VE Logistics only collects first and last names, email addresses, and other relevant details to provide a transparent and quality service.

Use of Personal Information: Data collected is used a) to respond to quotes or partnership requests on the Contact page; b) to respond to job applications on the Join Us page; c) to respond to claims or complaints on the Complaints Book page; and d) to send Newsletters on the subscription form.

Data Security: Data from forms are stored in our database, and are not shared with any person, company, or organization.

Data Sharing with Third Parties: Data from subscription forms are stored in our MailChimp account, which is used to send the Newsletter.

Cookies and Similar Technologies: Google Analytics is used to determine what content is most relevant to users on our site, and to measure the user experience on our website.

User Privacy Rights: Users can unsubscribe from our database by clicking the “Unsubscribe” button at the end of each Newsletter sent.

User Consent: All users who browse our website agree that a) VE Logistics uses their data for communication purposes between the company and users or potential customers; and b) Google Analytics collects data about their browsing and experience on our website.

Minors: No content on this site is intended for minors and is not directed to minors. Likewise, we do not collect data from minors.

Policy Updates: VE Logistics reserves the right to update its privacy policy anytime, for whatever reasons it deems valid. Users are responsible for verifying this information.

Contact Information: If users wish to contact the company, they can email