BASC documents

Control and security management policy

Certificación BASC - VE Logistics 2023

VE SOLUCIONES LOGISTICAS S.A.C. is a company dedicated to land transportation of containerized cargo and loose cargo for export and import; as a member of the logistics chain of foreign trade commits to establish and comply with safety standards to develop a safe international trade, to prevent any illegal activity in our operations, such as drug trafficking, financing of terrorism, money laundering, conspiracies, smuggling, theft, corruption, fraud or bribery. For this purpose, we comply with the current legal regulations applicable to our operations; we encourage safe behavior among our stakeholders; we develop a training process among our collaborators on the BASC Control and Security Management System, improving it continuously. This policy is informed to the personnel and interested parties of VE SOLUCIONES LOGISTICAS S.A.C. and is understood and implemented at all levels of the organization.

(T) 446-3640 Cal. Los Libertadores nro. 155 int. 302 (Altura de la Cuadra 9 de Av. Camino real) Lima – Lima – San Isidro